What is the difference between VVIP Preview List and VVIP Booking?
What is VVIP Preview List?
Once you have registered under VVIP Preview List, We’ll keep you updated on the project.
You’ll receive an email stated with reference number and We’ll assign certified Sales representative to assist you on your enquiries.
They will explain on the process of the procedure, timeline, financial calculation, downpayment, by when to get bank approval & more.
By doing so, Please refrain from submitting duplicate application/ registration with other agents or other websites.
Parc Riviera Preview FAQ
What is VVIP Booking?
In order to enjoy the first level discount (Early Bird Discount/ VVIP Discount), the following documents will be required to exchange for ballot number or first come first serve basis.
– Expression of Interest (You’ll receive it via email, General details Page 1 bottom, and Signature on Page 2.)
– Applicants’ NRIC
– Blank Cheque (No signature will be required)
You can present those documents during the show-flat period to the assigned agent or you can ask the our assigned agent to collect from you personally.
Kindly take note: No obligation if you submit those documents for ballot number.
No penalty will be imposed if you choose not to purchase during the booking day.
Your information will be well kept for this project.
Documents needed for Parc Riviera Preview
What is Expression of Interest?
A document for purchaser who are keen on the projects and want to submit for ballot number during VVIP booking day.
Common question to be asked:
Question: Will i missed out any good deals if i did not submit under VVIP Preview List?
Answer: Yes, Because you will not get any official information from us directly.
Question: Any fee to be imposed if i choose not to purchase?
Answer: No, No penalty will be imposed if you choose not to purchase during the booking day.
Question: What are the benefits to register for VVIP booking?
Answer: You will get the chance to purchase units with discounted prices (Early BIrd Discount).
Because prices generally increases for un-released stack of units, later on.
You will only be able to select the balance units, after the VVIPs have confirmed their units.
You may not be entitled to the same benefits or discounts, as per the VVIP, beforehand.
Question: What if i choose to register for VVIP booking. Thereafter, i did not purchase/ book any units?
Answer: No penalty will be imposed, if you choose not to purchase during the booking day.
Question: When can i know the actual price for the ideal units?
Answer: Always refer to the guide/ indicative price. Do register early for early bird discount.
No penalty will be imposed if you choose not to purchase.
Application is free of-charge.
Question: I will prefer to know the pricing then i commit.
Answer: Understandable, however, we may not be in time to register you back for the VVIP, should you decide to proceed, after knowing the prices, as registration for VVIP, normally closes by then.
Also to avoid lowering your chances for balloting purpose, it is good to register early.
Question: What are the differences between Public walk-in and VVIP Booking?
Answer: Public can only chose balance stack of units (Cost more for higher level), prices are likely to be increased for un-released stacks. VVIP enjoys the discounted rate, able to select their choice of units thru balloting.
Parc Riviera EL Development West Coast Vale Condo
Question: Why there is a need for blank cheque?
Answer: We do not want duplicate applications, by submitting multiple application does not mean you will get higher chances for balloting.
During the booking day, if you wish to proceed to book the unit, you can write the 5% of the purchase price on the submitted cheque. This is to prevent jeopardizing of the whole procedure
If no purchase done, it will be return to you, without penalty.